Tuesday 29 January 2013

Clarisonic vs Wave...#headtohead

Clarisonic Mia 2  vs  Neutrogena wave


Well I've been up Extra early this morning & its Freeeezing "brrr", Decided too make an extra strong cup of tea and Write another review, This time on two of my Favourite beauty gadgets. Every Girl deserves a smooth cleansed face but the hard work begins when you look at the "exfoliate/cleanser isle" at your local beauty store and your baffled, how are you ever supposed to know whats what & whats best! Especially when some are £2-£5 and others are £15-£20 :/ ughh i hate all that bother.
Well today I'm going to focus on the actual Cleanser & what too look out for and what give a miss...

Firstly I'm going to start by reviewing the "Neutrogena Wave Duo" (Handheld Cleanser). I started using this product when i was Sixteen when i started getting quite a few spots, i didn't really no what i was looking for but this looked quite interesting and i don't think there was very many more of these type of products on the market then, especially not on my budget anyway. After the first use i was very pleased with my skin, it was clean, smooth & radiant, everything you expect from a cleanser i guess, i continued using it for a couple of weeks and i did the job great, cleared my spots up and cleansed my skin.The only two problem's i would say i had with this product is that if you don't clean your face properly before use you will find it just spreads dirt around your face & it doesn't reach inside your pours as its a flat pad & works more with your black-heads. All-in all i would say this Cleanser is great if your on a Budget & you want a great high street bargain.

Pro's- Exfoliating pads work great towards Black-heads, Travel size, Softens skin.
Con's- Can just spread dirt around you face, doesn't clean inside pours.

Next iv going to be reviewing the "Clarisonic Mia 2" facial exfoliating cleanser. Okay so iv heard alot about these (good&bad) but iv got to say iv wanted one for so so long so & whilst i was on Holiday in LA last year i decided to treat myself for my Eighteenth which was a bonus as i also saved money by getting it over there (apposed to online). They do have different styles with more settings and motions but i decided to get this classic one with just two speeds & soft brush.
I was really impressed after my first use as my skin have Never felt so good, i couldn't stop touching it (which is bad haha) It got to the point where i couldn't wait to use it which is great! Even though this is alot more pricier than the "Wave" i do think its worth it, the wave is alot more practical but the Clarisonic seemed to work deeper into my pours and vanish spots #bonus

Pro's- Cleans deep into your pours, Vanishes spots, Super smooth afterwards
Con's- Quite Expensive, Not easy to get hold of in the Uk

So yeah,
I'm going to have to say the "Clarisonic Mia 2" wins my vote, (but what can you expect with the price difference), but i also think the "Wave" is a great high-street bargain & worth £9.99

what are your views? Let me know..




  1. Really great reviews! I really want the Clarisonic but I need to save up for it first! I need something strong enough to clean out my pores.

    I'm a new follower of your blog - I really like your layout!

    If you want to check out mine is http://thestellarskin.blogspot.co.uk/

    Looking forward to your future posts :)



  2. Hiya Rachel,

    Thanks so much for the support, id recommend saving up for the Clarisonic definitely, its great for your pours and you can really feel the different afterwards.

    I'll go Checkout your Blog for-sure,

    Thanks again :)


